ZenWriter 2.38

ZenWriter 2.38

ZenWritter is a note taking application that helps you fight distractions
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Awards (4)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award

ZenWritter is a note taking application that proposes a new writing experience. Just like OmmWriter, FocusWriter, or Q10, the application offers a minimalist, zen-like environment where you can write without distractions and within a space that motivates concentration.

With ZenWriter you can create multiple notes and have them neatly organized into folders and subfolders. The program uses the .rtf extension to save notes, and it is possible to export them into .txt files too.

The application works in full screen mode, and as you type, the writing space is completely clean; all you see is the text you're typing and a subtle landscape in the background. A simple mouse movement activates a right-side menu that gives you access to the program settings; you can set line spacing, adjust the background music volume, enable auto backup, among other options. It is also possible to choose the data that will appear in the info bar; a small bar at the bottom of the page that shows the amount of words and lines of your text, the time, etc. Just like in other text editors, you can use shortcut keys for functions like copy, cut, paste, undo, etc.

As far as appearance goes, and with minimalism as its primary focus, ZW is quite flexible as nearly everything can be customized without losing the application's essence; you can change the background image--even use your own images--change the music, the text size, and theme.

In short, ZenWriter is another alternative in the world of apps that propose a relaxed style and have the purpose of helping you fight distractions. The application looks great and makes the task of writing all the more enjoyable. The free unregistered version can be tested during 15 days.

MR Senior editor
Mariel Rearte
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Review summary


  • Relaxed writing environment that motivates concentration
  • Customizable backgrounds
  • Several tunes to choose from
  • Auto save option


  • None


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